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mIRC [nicknames]


hey you!!congratz on making it this far on the homepage you made me a whole lot happier...=)...anywayz, this is the list of the net addictz in BASIC

BaBy_SeP - This is me [JosEph] the tall, dark and handsome guy that created this homepage...

Erwen - This is my friend Erwin the co-creator of this fine homepage =)

Poia - This is Ate Pia..a down-to-earth kinda gal...

DA_MAN - This is Webb..like me, a tall kinda guy..hehehe...

iankananaman - A funny lil' boy named Ian...

_MARTIAN_ - This is Kuya Marvin..really tall guy...

^JaP_Jap^ - This is Juvy, the most annoying lil gurl in da entire youth group...

toots - This is Vanessa, she rocks...=þ

MaRiLuZ - This is Ate Mariluz...

^swEEt_hEaVEns^ - This is Ate Liza...

redrose - This the co-creator [Erwin's] sister Ate Edrose...

BaBeS - This is Beverly...she laughs a lot on da net and in real life...hehehe...

cHeRRy`cHiCka - This is Jennie..Lots of people have a crush!!!hehehe...sorry Jennie =)

{StEpHeN} - This is Stephen...

_-Angel-_ - This is Ate Melissa...The maker and owner of the #basic channel...

angelstalker - This is Kuya Homer [Christian]...the guy with many long nicks...

Ms_MeEh - This is Jill or Jeanne Lorraine! the Bin lover...sorry =(

^aCeY^ - This is A.C...

jerome - This is Jerome...the smaller but older one...not the Big and younger one...

kiko - This is Mark or Francis...

^hOmEr^ - This is another Homer from B.A.C.F...

{[bLeSsY]} - This is Blessy..also known as *ChanOP*...hahaha...jokes =)

{^JaZeL^} - This is Jazel...

LoSt^AnGeL - This is Jessa...the one i always forget to put her name in da basic website..hehehe..sorry jessa...

[L]e|aNn[E] - This is Lei Anne...the pastor's kid...

Dee - This is Dee Anne...one good cook =)

DA_MARTIAN - This is Kuya Marvin again....hehehee...

untouchable - This is Stephen as well...hehehe...

kenny_02 - This is Kenneth...a funny guy =)

martiangal - This is Ate Marianne...

_TeEj_ - This is T.j...

*Alright these three are not in our youth group yet!but will be next year!! I just added them coz they're also addictz!!*

[AnGeL|cA] - This is Acey's lil sis Angelica

EdSoN - This is Edson. ErWeN’s BrOtHeR.

_JOsH_ - This is Josh